Sunday, April 14, 2024

Wider I.

This is coolbert:

Defense yes, counter-strike no!

As encouraged by President Biden USA. 

1. "Biden lauds ‘remarkable’ Israeli defense against Iran, said to oppose military response"

"US president to convene G7 leaders as Security Council set to meet, is reportedly concerned Netanyahu trying to pull Washington into wider conflict; world leaders condemn ‘reckless’ Iran"


"The United States helped Israel take out almost all of the around 300 drones and missiles fired at it in a 'unprecedented attack' from Iran, US President Joe Biden said early Sunday, amid reported fears in Washington that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will try to pull the Americans into wider regional conflict."

2. "Scoop: Biden told Bibi U.S. won't support an Israeli counterattack on Iran" | Barak Ravid.

"President Biden told Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a call on Saturday that the U.S. won't support any Israeli counterattack against Iran, a senior White House official told Axios."

Increasing tension strongly discouraged. Tit-for-tat retaliation too dangerous. Create an unstable situation with unforeseen consequences. Bad enough in Gaza as it already is.


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