Sunday, April 14, 2024


This is coolbert:

Israeli air defense 99 % effective? Does sound too good to be true?

"IDF: 99% of the 300 or so projectiles fired by Iran at Israel overnight were intercepted"

From Times of Israel ^ | 4/14/24 | Emanuel Fabian | the tip from Freeper.

"IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says 99% of the 300 or so projectiles fired by Iran at Israel overnight were intercepted by air defenses."

"He says Iran launched 170 drones at Israel, and not one entered Israeli airspace. They were all downed outside of the country’s borders by Israel and its allies."

"Another 30 cruise missiles were launched, and not a single one entered Israeli airspace, he says. According to Hagari, 25 of them were downed by the Israeli Air Force."

"In addition, Hagari says Iran fired 120 ballistic missiles at Israel. Some of the missiles managed to bypass Israel’s defenses, hitting the Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel."

"Hagari says slight damage was caused to infrastructure at Nevatim, but the airbase is running as usual."

"Additionally, he says, a handful of drones and missiles were launched from Iraq and Yemen amid the attack, although none entered Israeli airspace."

More than one-third of the "projectiles" launched by the Iranian ballistic missiles. Normally if the radar track determining course and impact area shows the missile warhead will land in an unpopulated and insignificant area no effort will be made at at intercept!


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