Friday, April 12, 2024


This is coolbert:

From naval policing actions to high-intensity warfare, the French prepare!

"France preparing for naval warfare, rear-admiral says"

From TASS | 11 APR [2024].

"According to Jacques Mallard, Western navies have to adapt to a new environment with 'increasingly uninhibited competitors'"

"BRUSSELS, April 11. /TASS/. The French Navy is preparing for potential military operations amid growing risks of an armed conflict, Rear Admiral Jacques Mallard, the commander of France’s carrier battle group, said."

"The French navy is shifting its training away from a focus on policing operations to gird for war against foes who want 'to destroy us,' he told Politico. 'We now train for other missions, in particular what we call high-intensity warfare,' Mallard noted."

High-intensity warfare in the American sense of the term meaning the use of weapons of mass destruction [WMD]! It might be the French define that phrase differently!

Prepare for the worst! Hope for the best?


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