Thursday, April 11, 2024


This is coolbert:

SVR = Russian foreign intelligence service.

The Russians have them. The Americans want them too?

 Convicts recruited to serve in the Ukraine Conflict. American private military contractors hiring criminals for military service?

If this indeed be true consider the entire concept to be EXCEEDINGLY bad!

"SVR: American PMCs are recruiting drug cartel members into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine"

From  https://www-kommersant-ru | 04/09/2024. 

"American private military companies, with the assistance of the authorities, are recruiting members of Mexican and Colombian drug cartels in prisons. They plan to send the recruited criminals to Ukraine to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This was reported by the press bureau of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of Russia."

“'The United States is resorting to increasingly desperate methods in its attempts to turn the tide in the Ukrainian theater of operations, replenishing the ranks of demoralized Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters with a multinational rabble with a penchant for armed violence,' the SVR said in a statement to TASS . Criminals who agree are promised a complete amnesty with the expectation that they will never return from Ukraine, the SVR claims."

Convicts released from prison to perform military service in almost all instances their performance poor. A "rabble" indeed, persons unwilling and unable by background to comport themselves in a disciplined and soldiery manner. Military men they are not! Merely continue their bad behavior of whatever sort when an advantage presents itself!


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