Tuesday, April 2, 2024


This is coolbert:

 “'Turkish supplies of trinitrotoluene, known as TNT, and nitroguanidine, which is used as a propellant, would be crucial in the production of Nato-standard 155mm caliber ammunition — potentially tripling production, according to officials familiar with the discussions,' . . . 'Turkey is already on track to becoming the biggest seller of the artillery shells to the US as early as this year.'”

The arsenal of democracy [USA]no longer the arsenal it once was!

Replenishment of American stockpiles 155 mm artillery rounds only to be accomplished with the acquiescence of the Turk?

"Turkey Expected To Become US' Largest Supplier Of Artillery"

Authored by Ahmed Adel via GlobalResearch.ca | the tip from Zero Hedge | APR 02, 2024.

"Turkey is set to become the United States’ largest supplier of artillery shells as NATO allies have exhausted their stocks and now struggle to ship ammunition to Ukraine. Turkey’s indirect support for Ukraine is also supplemented by direct support, such as producing drones and warships, yet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan offers himself as a viable partner in searching for peace between Ukraine and Russia."

NOT I think FINISHED and ready-to-go artillery rounds. Rather the EXPLOSIVE [TNT] and the artillery round PROPELLENT material.


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