Wednesday, April 3, 2024

910th AW.

This is coolbert:

Reserve unit United States Air Force [USAF] with an unusual mission. Spray operations on-call.

"Air Force Reserve C-130J-30 Super Hercules Prepare To Take Over Aerial Spray Ops From C-130Hs"

From | DAVID CENCIOTTI | April 2, 2024.

"The 910th AW (Airlift Wing) prepares to upgrade its C-130H Hercules fleet to new C-130J Super Hercules for aerial spray missions."

"Based at Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio, is a pretty unique unit of the Department of Defense: the only one with aerial spray capability and dedicated aerial spray maintenance flight"

Not pretty unique. Is unique.

Spraying defoliation missions the Second-Indo China very controversial. Applications of defoliant Agent Orange [and other agents too] the more or less everlasting chemical residue as thought to be responsible for various ailments American military personnel and Vietnamese civilians even decades after the end of the war.

From a caption as accompanying one of the images the Aviationist article:

"A 910th Airlift Wing C-130H Hercules aircraft performs an aerial spray pass over the Utah Test and Training Range, March 8. The Wing launched its 2018 spray season Mar. 5-16, 2018, at the range, near Hill AFB, Utah, to eliminate Halogeton, an invasive weed species that poses a risk to Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) crews at the range. The 910th operates the Department of Defense’s (DOD) only large area fixed-wing aerial spray capability to control vegetation, disease-carrying insects, pest insects, and to disperse oil spills in large bodies of water."

Missions not confined to defoliation operations. Operations spraying seem to be of a soup to nuts nature as demanded and on-call. 910th AW active and we should all be very grateful. Yeoman work done with panache'.


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