Saturday, February 10, 2024

Type 45.

This is coolbert:

And now Richmond, get ye to Yemen!

HMS Diamond exceeding maintenance requirements. Must return to home port.

"Royal Navy troubled Type 45: Yemen mission halted by technical issue" | By Boyko Nikolov | On Feb 8, 2024.

"Due to unforeseen 'technical problems', the British Royal Navy has been forced to pull the Type 45 destroyer HMS Diamond from its operational duties near Yemen."

"Upon its inaugural service, the Type 45 was marked by a rather concerning reliability issue — its Rolls Royce diesel engines experienced a significant performance decline in exceptionally hot climates. Locations like the Straits of Hormuz and the waters of Southeast Asia"

"Since December, HMS Diamond has been active in this region, playing a crucial role in the American-led Operation Prosperity Guardian, which involves specific target strikes in Yemen. The ship’s commander, Peter Evans, shed light on the demanding nature of the ongoing operations, noting, 'The region is teeming with tension, and our fleet engages hostile forces every day.'” 

Diamond to replaced by HMS Richmond. A vessel of the same class! Richmond on the way!

Rolls-Royce diesel engines not suited for a hot climate like Yemen? Rolls-Royce? What have Rolls engineers been doing for over a century anyhow?


1 comment:

  1. And to all this Admiral Jackie Fisher would say what??
