Saturday, February 10, 2024


This is coolbert:

Everything but the kitchen sink and maybe that too!

"Everything but the Kitchen Sink - when discussing a situation that includes just about everything possible."

Russian massive almost overwhelming missile and drone attack Ukrainian targets.

"Russia spent nearly half a billion $US to attack Ukraine on Feb.7"

From | By Boyko Nikolov | Feb 7, 2024.

"In the early hours and continuing into the morning of February 7, a staggering 64 aerial projectiles were launched at Ukraine by the Russian military. These attacks consisted of an assortment of missiles and assault drones. Remarkably, Ukraine’s military claims that they were able to destroy a total of 44 of the incoming projectiles."

"This massive assault involved the deployment of 20 Shahed suicide drones and a diverse array of 34 missiles, spanning from the Iskander to the S-300, the Caliber to the X-22, and the Kh-101 / Kh-555 / Kh-55. These projectiles were launched from air, land, and sea sources. According to Ukrainian officials, they successfully intercepted and shot down 44 of these airborne threats with their air defense systems, aviation facilities, and mobile fire squads."

"An informative report from Economic Truth suggests that this single assault on Ukraine carries a staggering price tag exceeding $420 million. These calculations are made by adding up the individual manufacturing costs of each ordnance." 


* ONLY about 30 % of the missiles and drones actually evaded Ukrainian multi-layered air defense? [fifty-four or sixty-four incoming aerial projectiles?]

* Expenditure of nearly a $ half billion USD for the maximum effort a prodigious sum.

* The Russian military less than pleased at the results? Can anyone doubt this?


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