Monday, February 19, 2024


This is coolbert:

Yet once again the Israeli soldier behaving badly!

See within context the prior blog entry and Proverbs 24:17-18: The Message (MSG).

"Reservists suspended for mocking Palestinian detainees in West Bank"

From | By AP | 19 December 2023.

"The Israeli army suspends a group of soldiers recorded smoking a water pipe and joking in front of Palestinians who were detained and blindfolded."

Smoke hookah [hashish?], eat chips, laugh and joke. All the while guarding [if you call it that] detained Palestinian prisoners. A total lack of professionalism rather an act of triumphalism! See from twitter the entire video. Very bad for optics too. The whole world is watching.

"triumphalism: noun - Disproportionate or unreasonable celebration of the perceived successes and virtues of a given group, religion, or ideology relative to those of others."

See previous blog entries as applicable the topic:


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