Monday, February 19, 2024


This is coolbert:

“'Milspeak' is one of those things that set military personnel apart from civilians. Every profession has its own slang, if you will, be it medicine, law, firefighting, or police, and so too does the military. The military’s slang, though, is one of the most unique. Military culture is based on shared sacrifice, dedication, and commitment to the country – and it is exclusive."

Those American piloted AV-8 Harrier intercepting Hootie Tootie combat drones over the Red Sea reliant on Israeli Litening targeting pods. Litening I was totally unfamiliar with.

"Litening - BEYOND Targeting POD! Incorporating all the capabilities for the modern strike fighter"

See the You Tube video Litening:

This Rafael produced You Tube video containing a lot of MILSPEAK. The layman hardly cognizant of embedded military jargon. Let me sample:


EO = Electro-Optic.

IR = Infrared.


SWIR = Short-wave infrared.


HD = High-Definition.

FLIR = Forward Looking Infrared.


UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.

RCS = Radar Cross Section.


IRST = Infrared Search and Track.


GMTI = Ground Moving Target Indicator.

AI =Artificial Intelligence.

SPICE 250  

SPICE 250 = Spice 250 NG  air-to-surface PGM.

NG = Next Generation.

PGM = Precision Guided Munitions.


SAR = Synthetic Aperture Radar.

The devoted reader to the blog and those merely perusing in a much more casual manner now enlightened?

See previous blog entries MILSPEAK I & MILSPEAK II:


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