Saturday, February 10, 2024

Iceland WW2.

This is coolbert:

Evidence of time travel the Second World War? In Iceland of all places!

 As was originally reported in 2016, the Icelandic media.

"Time traveller spotted among GIs in WWII Reykjavík?"

From | BY STAFF | NOV 29 2016.

"A photograph depicting a scene from downtown Reykjavík in 1943, showing a crowd of locals and GI's [American military personnel] walking along the sidewalk in Austurstræti (which was a street back in the 40s but has since been turned into a square) has been making the rounds on Icelandic social media in the past few days. The photographs seems to show a man speaking into a cell phone, a sure sign, some believe that time-travellers have visited Iceland in the past."

It is suggested the more likely explanation is that the man was merely picking his ear! Sounds absurd doesn't it? I have been told by authority that time travel is theoretically possible into the FUTURE
 but not into the PAST!


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