Friday, February 9, 2024


This is coolbert:

First Predator. Then Reaper. Then Avenger. Now A2LE. Mini-drone inside of a drone [Avenger]. Baby drone I am not sure if boy or girl!

"General Atomics Demonstrates New Advanced Air-Launched Effect (A2LE) On MQ-20 Avenger"

From | February 9, 2024 | STEFANO D'URSO.

Mini-drone as dropped from Avenger internal stores!

"The new A2LE was developed in partnership with Divergent Technologies in a controlled, low-risk approach."

“General Atomics announced the successful inflight release of its new Advanced Air-Launched Effects (A2LE) platform from the internal weapons bay of a MQ-20 Avenger Unmanned Aircraft System. Although this was only disclosed last week, the demonstration took place on Nov. 28, 2023, over Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, capping a manufacturing, structural test, and flight demonstration campaign.”

Regarding strictly the MQ-20 Avenger from the wiki entry:

"Unlike the previous MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper (Predator B) drones, the Avenger is powered by a turbofan engine, and its design includes stealth features such as internal weapons storage and an S-shaped exhaust for reduced infrared and radar signatures."

Carrying the mini-drone in internal weapons store greatly [?] enhances stealth capability of the jet-powered Avenger?


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