Sunday, February 4, 2024


This is coolbert:

"As Israel continues to try to negotiate the release of the hostages, I [Rabbi Barclay] am hearing more and more from people about how they wish Israel would stop dallying around and just carpet-bomb Gaza. Or how they believe that most of the hostages are dead, and why are we even negotiating with these terrorists? The world already hates Israel, these people say (which is true), so why not just finish it quickly?"

"Why Doesn't Israel Just Carpet-Bomb Gaza?" | RABBI MICHAEL BARCLAY | JANUARY 30, 2024.

Devoted readers to the blog I strongly encourage each of you without reservation to read the entire article is by Rabbi Barkley. The rabbi suggesting that theological concerns and precepts more than anything else are the reason why the Israeli has not carpet bombed Gaza into obliteration? True or false?

Theological concerns as according to the principal "if you save one life, you save the whole world". Meaning, if you save one hostage, you save the whole world ideal?


* Carpet bombing sometimes referred to as saturation bombing an aerial bombardment practice during WWII. The allied strategic air forces those thousand-bomber raids against German cities during World War II wreaking great damage and havoc.

* Advanced precision guided munitions having done away with the need for carpet bombing. Technology as existed during WWII and subsequently during the Vietnam War allowing no alternative at the time other than to carpet bomb targets.

*Advanced technology of the JDAM [GPS] and Paveway [laser] variety allows for precision bombing of targets with great accuracy. Saturation bombing in the manner of WWII no longer needed to win destroy your target.

* The Israeli Air Force [IAF] can accomplish all missions with JDAM  and Paveway. Consider alone JDAM accuracy a combat environment: "a system reliability in excess of 95% with a published accuracy under 33-foot (10 meter) Circular Error Probable [CEP]."

* As he has previously been noted and commented upon at least at the end of December, the IAF had dropped conventional ordnance [bomb war-making bang-stuff] on the Gaza Strip to be roughly equivalent to 3+ Nagasaki intensity atomic bombs!!

* Damage to Gaza answer of this exact moment comports very well to the damage done to Berlin and Hamburg during World War II. At least 50% of structures or dwellings rendered uninhabitable. Uninhabitable in the sense of not having basic amenities of civilized life, plumbing, running water, electricity, some source of heating, windows, etc. Not fit for human life to live in any more.

It can reasonably be inferred that the IAF using precision guided munitions has already achieved a degree of damage and devastation as you would seen with saturation/carpet/area bombing in the manner as it was done during WWII. I might think so myself! The devoted reader to the blog will have to decide this for themselves.

See previous blog entries IAF bombing the Gazan War:


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