Sunday, February 4, 2024


This is coolbert:

“I understand that of the 83,000 CRV7 stock, there is a high percentage that is not functional. However, Ukraine desperately needs munitions, and we have put a task force together to examine each of them if Canada is willing to entertain our request. The task force has identified the equipment needed to update and arm them,” -  Ukrainian Lieutenant General  Budanov.

"LILLEY: Ukraine asked for 83,000 surplus rockets, Trudeau remains silent"

"If Canada doesn't ship the rockets to Ukraine it will cost millions to dispose of them"

 From | Brian Lilley | Feb 02, 2024.

Canadian stockpiled and warehoused CRV7 air to ground rockets waiting to be decommissioned and destroyed.   

Canadian no longer needed munitions having been promised to the Ukrainian but never delivered.

So what is the issue and what is the delay? This is not clarified.

CRV7 an improved version of the American 2.75 inch [70 cm.] air to ground rocket with significant improvement.

Consider the capability of the CRV7:

"The CRV7, short for 'Canadian Rocket Vehicle 7', is a 2.75-inch (70 mm) folding-fin ground attack rocket . . . It was introduced in the early 1970s as an upgraded version of the standard U.S. 2.75-inch air-to-ground rockets. It was the most powerful weapon of its class, the first with enough energy to penetrate standard Warsaw Pact aircraft hangars. The CRV7 remains one of the most powerful air-to-ground attack rockets to this day, and has slowly become the de facto standard for Western-aligned forces outside the United States."

Additionally CRV7 as I suspected having an anti-tank penetrating warhead:

"a dedicated antitank warhead that replaced the steel rod in the practice warhead with a tungsten rod. This new antitank warhead could penetrate a Soviet T-72 main battle tank armor from any attack angle. Further study into this effect led to the WDU-5002/B FAT warhead, Flechette Anti-Tank, containing five tungsten-reinforced steel flechettes that could penetrate a T-72's side and top armor at a distance of 10,000 feet (3,000 m). It was also found to be a useful warhead for use against medium and light armored vehicles"

Someone please tell me what exactly is the problem with delivering these rockets to the Ukrainians. Everybody understands from the get-go that a certain percentage of these rockets will malfunction, perhaps more dangerous to the operators than to the enemy! 

Justin! Send these rockets to the Ukrainian! Let them decommission and destroy for you!!


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