Sunday, February 25, 2024


This is coolbert:

To war by rodent. Rodents of the Eurasian steppe-land.

Eco-friendly backfires in an unanticipated way.

"Rodents incapacitate millions in eco-friendly military equipment in Ukraine: the unforeseen problem" | Story by PJU •

"Weaponry systems in Ukraine, many of which were supplied by European countries, have been rendered unworkable, not due to Russian interference, but because of damage caused by mice and other rodents. Seemingly, these creatures have developed a preference for cable insulation made of corn fiber over synthetic materials. This predilection leads to malfunctioning electrical installations, rendering the expensive equipment essentially worthless, and requiring rapid overhauling."

We have to be 100 % clear about this matter. Wiring insulation made of corn fiber and edible. Becoming a food source for gnawing rodentia of all sorts. Eco-friendly wiring with the intention of doing-good for the environment but developing problems in an unanticipated way.

German troops the Eastern Front WW2 also encountering the same problem:

"The German tank men would well be forgiven if they thought every living creature in Russia was against them, particularly in view of the telex message message from Army Operations Section of OKH and sent to all Army Groups. This read: 'A panzer division on the Eastern Front which had placed its vehicles under cover and in a warm place, in accordance with standing orders, found that when an alarm call was received only 30 per cent of its vehicles were ready for action. Mice had gnawed through the electrical heads on the engines of the tanks.'" - Lucas.

As it was for the German in /Russia during WW2 as it is now for NATO the Ukraine Conflict.


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