Saturday, February 24, 2024

A-50U II.

This is coolbert:

Yet one more Russian A-50 AWACS MAINSTAY warplane shot down the Sea of Azov vicinity?

See item # 1 and #2 for further details with video and graphics.

1. "Sea of Azov: Possible SAM interceptor kills second Russian A-50"

From | By Boyko Nikolov On Feb 23, 2024.

"Recent footage hitting the social media spectrum reveals a fiery aircraft assumed to be an A-50 Mainstay airborne early warning and control [AEW&C] plane, though the exact details are murky. Whether it was Ukrainian forces or Russian air defenses that brought it down is yet to be [determined]"

2. "Ukraine Says It Has Shot Down Another Russian A-50U Mainstay"

DAVID CENCIOTTI | February 23, 2024.

On Feb. 23, 2024, “as a result of a joint operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, another valuable Russian A-50U aircraft was shot down over the Sea of ​​Azov”.


* A second AWACS plane gone neither plentiful or cheap. Highly trained aircrew also hard to replace.

* A-50 working hand-in-glove with Russian S-400 air defense missile mid-range version. A-50 allowing for extended battlefield radar coverage.

* Again, the Ukrainian has some sort of air defense missile ground-based or air-to-air able to strike almost with impunity.

See all previous blog entries as relevant:


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