Friday, January 26, 2024

S-300 Ru.

This is coolbert:

Ukrainian drone AQ-400 striking Russian targets and doing a lot of damage to infrastructure of a vital nature?

1. "Russia Reinforces St Petersburg Air Defenses with S-300 System After Ukrainian Drone Strike"

From Military Watch Magazine Editorial Staff | January-23rd-2024.

"The Russian Air Force has redeployed S-300 air defense systems from the S-300P family to support the air defense of St Petersburg, after successful Ukrainian drone strike destroyed the Ust-Luga gas export terminal."

2. "Ukrainian Drones Hit Rosneft Refinery in Russia - Source"

From US News via Reuters ^ | 01/25/2024'

"Ukrainian drones attacked a Rosneft-owned oil refinery in southern Russia in the latest such strike on Russian energy infrastructure, a Ukrainian source said on Thursday."

Ukrainian drone AQ-400  to be coming off the assembly line at a rate of 1,000 per month as is the goal. This is an asymmetric weapon of the highest order especially when used in a swarm fashion against an important target. Russian S-300 can intercept and shoot down these drones, but again the cost-benefit-ratio is greatly to the advantage of the Ukrainian. Much as cost-benefit-ratio drone attack the Red Sea much to the advantage of the Hootie Tootie rebels.


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