Friday, January 26, 2024


This is coolbert:


A five-year war WW3 atomic weapons may or may not be use!

"BLOW BY BLOW AI [Artificial intelligence] predicts how WW3 may play out year-by-year with Arctic battles, nuke fears & over 20 million dead in futile 5yr clash"

From |  Georgie English | Jan 24 2024.

"ChatGPT also gave their say on if nukes will be used in a potential WW3 and just how damaging they could be"

"ARTIFICIAL Intelligence [AI] has revealed the horrors of what could happen across the world in the next five years if WW3 is started."

"The clever technology has made a set of chilling predictions warning that if a war began this year then it could quickly cause nuclear fears, battles in the Arctic and over 20 million tragic deaths."

See the article graphic the key points and take away.

World War I the number of dead about one person in 200 alive at the time in 1914 perishing because of hostilities.

20,000,000 people dying during World War Three will mean that about one person in 400 alive today dead as a result of conflict.

Unrestrained use of weapons of mass destruction [WMD] by all parties involved and you can expect that death toll of 20 million to be much greater?


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