Friday, January 19, 2024


This is coolbert:

It is with much anxiety that I make this blog entry. It might create needless hackles in some quarters. Nonetheless, here is the post.

"hackle: noun - 3. hackles plural b. TEMPER, DANDER"

Israeli citizens cheering, applauding and laughing as bombs drop on Gaza, retaliation for the murderous Hamas attack of 7 October 2023.

Proverbs 24:17-18: The Message (MSG)

"Don’t laugh when your enemy falls; don’t gloat over his collapse. GOD might see, and become very provoked, and then take pity on his [your enemy] plight."

This video courtesy of a website with an unspeakable name, which shall go unmentioned to infinity:

That proverb from the Old Testament of the Hebrew people as valid today as it was 3,300 years ago, the death of the Egyptian army of Pharaoh during the Red Sea Crossing not something to be cheered, applauded and laughed about. Scripture validates!

During the Exodus from Egypt in ancient times and as it is now with the Gaza War, the aerial bombardment of an overwhelming nature.

I fully understand the reaction of the Israeli public with regard to the extreme events having occurred on 7 October 2023 creating a lot of hate and anger.

Devoted readers to the blog you are going to have to decide all this for yourself!


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