Friday, January 19, 2024


This is coolbert:

The various European powers have now come to their senses, are now ramping-up production of war-making stuff. The hand writing is on the wall and now something of a drastic nature must be done.

"France Ramps Up Weapons Production for Ukraine, Cut Time to Make New Artillery From 30 to 15 Months"

From  | BREITBART LONDON | 18 Jan 2024.

"PARIS (AP) – French manufacturers have reduced the manufacturing times for some of the weapons systems they supply to Ukraine by half or more, as France increasingly switches away from its previous policy of dipping into its own military stocks to support the war effort against Russia’s invasion, France’s defense minister said in an interview published Thursday."

Specifically, with regard to the French CAESAR self-propelled howitzer:

"In peacetime the production rate at Nexter was understood to be 10 CAESARs per year. The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine boosted demand. By early 2023 Nexter's factory in Bourges was producing between two and four units per month in continuous operation. The next milestone expected is to produce eight CAESARs a month by December 2023."

See prior blog entries the CAESAR self-propelled howitzer:


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