Thursday, January 11, 2024


This is coolbert.

You cannot help but marvel at the Ukrainian battlefield techniques, means, methods and deceptive practices that confuse and thwart the Russian!

Craft- trickery - artifice - foxiness- guileful.

Once more from the Ryan McBeth Internet substack website and thanks to Ryan McBeth in all instances.

See also as applicable within context the previous blog entry the problem of the Russian being able to locate the HIMARS launcher.

"The strategy is not complicated. American-made missiles are usually fired in conjunction with Soviet-launched ones from similar systems, e.g. the much simpler and imprecise BM-21 Grad. A HIMARS missile travels at a speed of 2,940 km/h [1,800 mph], and those used by Grad at about 2,570 km/h [1,600 mph\. The latter can be fired a little earlier to compensate for the slower speed."

"Thus, it is difficult for Russian defenses to select the most dangerous targets, as they are overwhelmed with a 'barrage' of missiles, some highly accurate and most others inaccurate. Dozens of dots appear on the Russian radar, and Putin’s troops are unable to retaliate or find the exact locations of the HIMARS platforms."

Two barrage of rockets/missiles more or less simultaneously launched at the same target. Russian air defense AD missilemen unable to determine which are Grad BM 21 and which are HIMARS.

Wasting an expensive SAM AD missile on a target of uncertain nature not a good idea. This is once again an instance of cost-benefit ratio.

And all in favor of Ukrainian the Russian baffled.


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