Thursday, January 11, 2024


This is coolbert:

An Israeli soldier acting badly. An individual troop, desecrating a holy Islamic prayer rug, doing so in the bathroom. Scandalous.

See the Ryan Macbeth Internet sub stack website a complete listing of all  postings. Very interesting. The man is ex-military, American Special Forces with experience in the Middle East. This is  man who knows his stuff.

Stront, خراء, خرئ, غائط, лайно́, হাগু, হাগা, merda, srát, cachu, lort, scheißen, διάρροια.

"A TikTok video, capturing Israeli soldiers placing prayer rugs in bathrooms and stepping on them in Gazan homes, has been circulating online. The video shows these rugs being defiled, an act that has drawn significant criticism for its disrespect towards religious sentiments."

I cannot help but remember that there is precedent for this sort of bad behavior from over 40 years ago. Not Gaza at that time, but rather Beirut, Lebanon:

"Israel finally withdrew from the Lebanese capital at the end of September 1982 . . . Following the Beirut withdrawal . . . the city’s residents began to hear of the occupation’s 'most extraordinary aspect', which was that Israeli soldiers had defecated all over the place: on books, clothes, carpets, furniture, school desks, you name it."

"defecate: intransitive verb - To void feces from the bowels."

See from the Instagram website the full and complete video, further actions of the Israeli soldier with the prayer mat in the bathroom            


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