Sunday, January 7, 2024


This is coolbert:

Scandalous? The American national command authority NCA has been compromised, not able to function if necessary? I do not know what this all means. May be a big nothing, but I am not sure.

Secretary of Defense, USA, Austin in the hospital for a surgical procedure of an undetermined nature the President of United States not even knowing about this. One of the four men in the loop was not able to perform his duties if necessary.

"White House Wasn't Aware For Days That Defense Secretary Austin Was Hospitalized"

From | BY TYLER DURDEN | JAN 06, 2024.

"Earlier throughout the day there were significant rumors that Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin has been in the hospital for days, and no one knew it... surprisingly even at the White House, apparently—and at a moment the US is embroiled in running conflicts and proxy wars from Ukraine to the Middle East."

I can fully understand why the man Austin Secretary of Defense USA  was in the hospital, but I cannot fully understand at all 100% why the President was not briefed about this in advance. This is supposedly an elective surgical procedure that Austin had but I also noticed that Austin is described as being in the ICU intensive care unit.

"This is a worrisome development which has huge implications for the Biden administration and White House competency and issues of transparency. Not only has Austin's hospitalization now been confirmed, but CNN is reporting late Saturday that President Biden was in the dark almost the whole time"

The National Command Authority (United States) as is my understanding consists of four persons, the President USA, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, and the national security advisor, USA.

These are the four people that will make the final decision do use atomic weapons if needed and DEEMED as necessary.

From the wiki entry:

"National Command Authority (NCA) is a term that was used by the Department of Defense of the United States to refer to the ultimate source of lawful military orders."

"The term also refers to communications with the commanding officers of the Unified Combatant Commands to put U.S. forces into action."


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