Sunday, January 7, 2024


This is coolbert:

The Russian city of Belgorod, under continual attack from Ukrainian artillery. Consider this to be retaliation for the most recent massive drone/cruise missile/missile attack on Ukraine by Russian forces. 

"Ukraine continues missile strikes on Russian city"

"Belgorod has been targeted by Kiev's artillery for the 7th day in a row"

From | 4 Jan, 2024.

Of greater interest read this comment by a man who goes by the name of the "Themechanic".

The Russian has devised a counter to the American HIMARS rocket artillery system? So as alleged.


"1/5/2024: RUSSIA DEVELOPING COUNTER MEASURES AND NEUTRALIZED HIMMARS. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Part 2- A fairly effective tactic to destroy these systems as they were working on the principle of shout [sic] and scout [sic] made it difficult for detection. They were fired from 50 or 60 kms [30 to 36 miles] from behind enemy lines by the West against Russian targets with Satnav missiles. The Russian Tornato-S systems, who are very capable still had trouble reacting fast enough to destroy enemy positions because as soon enemy fires, it was moved immediately. Russia created special radars, these are the latest which detect immediately enemy positions by the plum [path] of the missile. Other systems are now being tested in the battlefield as well by transmitting the coordinates to Russian artillery men, including pilots of fighter jets. These are the Kupol satellite group, and the reconissence [sic] aircraft Orion and TU-214R. These Russian satellites are hovering 24/7 over Ukraine detecting multiple rocket systems while Orion are scanning the whole country. The TU-214R has powerful high resolution optical electronic system and active phase antenna which detects the smallest objects in vast territories. Now, these systems are brand new and currently were just deployed in Ukraine. As you can see, Ukraine has become the rating ground for high tech weapon systems."


* When "Themechanic" speaks of shout [sic] and scout [sic], think rather shoot and scoot.

* See further the wiki entry the definition of shoot-and-scoot in the military context.

* The Russian not so much having devised a counter to the HIMARS missile itself, but rather of an ability to locate the HIMARS firing unit. HIMARS launchers difficult to locate because they have a built-in shoot and scoot capability.

"scoot: verb - 1. to move swiftly"

* Nowhere can I find part one HIMARS countermeasures.

 We shoot we ride we shoot again. The very nature of the HIMARS system encapsulated in a few words.


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