Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Cohors XX.

This is coolbert.

Courtesy here the Professor Al Nofi CIC number # 481 as seen at the Internet website Strategy Page. Thanks in all cases to Al Nofi and Strategy Page.

A morning report, a Roman military element the Middle East:

"From the Archives - Morning Reports, cohors XX Palmyrenorum"

  Al Nofi's CIC Issue #481, Nov 4th, 2023.

"Among their many military innovations, the Romans seem to have invented paperwork, a matter about which we’ve commented before. Some of this paperwork actually survives, usually in trash heaps near long-abandoned fortresses."

Click on image to see an enlarged view.

Seven individual troops detailed for the procuring of lions for the garrisons arena!

"Among Ancient Romans, bestiarii (singular bestiarius) were those who went into combat with beasts, or were exposed to them."

Bestiarii often those of the gladiator class, but not exclusively, fighting to the death in the arena a very dangerous animal. Games they were called!

This particular bas-relief shows the great king of the Assyrians Ashurbanipal killing a lion, a demonstration of martial prowess and ability on the part of the great king!

Great symbolism here! The King of Beasts. An animal even when mortally wounded, yet continues to fight even to the death. A worthy opponent for a KING.

The Asiatic lion in prehistoric times found from the Dinaric Alps all the way to India across the Middle East!


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