Monday, January 29, 2024


This is coolbert:

The beer test the various YouTube videos:

The gun stabilizer of a modern main battle tank, MBT, an important technological innovation, which allows the tank to fire and hit a target while on the move.

"This enables the modern tank using the current stabilization systems to hit a target moving thirty miles an hour [about 50 km/hr] while [the target] is moving at the same speed at ranges of 2,000 meters or more, as accurately as if standing still."

The gun stabilizer existed in primitive forms prior to and during the World War II, but were so ineffective as to mainly not in use. Much more advanced versions of the gun stabilizer [electro-mechanical apparatus] now exist in more or less in all MBT. Armor now engaging in a duel both vehicles able to shoot while moving and hit the target.

During WWII, a tanker while engaging an enemy tank would have to come to a complete stop before firing placing themselves in dangerous and disadvantageous position.

Gun stabilizer has greatly mitigated these difficulties.

1. "When a German Leopard 2 tank carried a beer without spilling a drop"

"A video created by the German Bundeswehr (Armed Forces) in 1986"

"Many battle tanks throughout history have become feared opponents in the theatre of war, yet not all of them can brag about the ability to balance a beer on their gun like the German Leopard 2 tank."

2. "How Can a Glass of Beer Demonstrate the Quality of a Tank?"

"A glass of beer and a gun. Ukrainian defense companies are publishing videos demonstrating the high quality of their armored vehicles with original tests."

"Using its well-crafted suspension and level turret, the tank was so stable it could balance a tankard glass of beer on the end of its 120mm gun."

The Soviet era, defector SUVOROV described the T–64 tank as a pissy tank.

"pissy: adjective - 2 slang : IRRITATING, ANNOYING"

"Gun could not hit the target. Treads fell off at an unexpected time. The engine required constant maintenance in situ by a team of factory professionals.

The Ukrainians evidently have worked out all the kinks of the T-64 and now have a much improved model to include the gun stabilizer.

3. "Leopard 1 beer test"

"As far as I [Jay Liu] know, the Leopard 1A1 was the first tank to achieve this effectively. With a good crew and even on rough terrain, it could hit a stationary target while on the move almost as well as if it were firing on a short stop."

"This was the primary selling point of the Leopard 1, thus it's huge popularity on the international market despite having no real armor, and mounting a fairly standard L7 105 rifled gun."

Before there was Leopard Two there was Leopard One. As described the main selling point of a Leopard One was the gun stabilizer. This particular tank the YouTube video has UN markings and a Danish crew.


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