Wednesday, December 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

Unwavering delivery of military ordinance from USA to Israel continues unabated, seemingly endless!

1. "'Israel' receives 244 US cargo planes, 20 ships of military equipment" | Al Mayadeen: Agencies | 26 Dec 2023. 

"Israeli media reports say that there hasn't been a single instance since the onset of the war where the Air Force refrained from striking or ground forces from firing due to an ammunition shortage."

2. "50 thousand tons of explosives have been dropped on Gaza" | Al Mayadeen English | 25 Dec.      

"The Israeli occupation is still committing one massacre after the other in Gaza, killing over 20,000 Palestinians in the Strip and injuring tens of thousands of others."

Do I need to tell anyone or remind anyone that tonnage of bombs dropped on Gaza to this date is equal to about 3+ Hiroshima sized atomic bombs. Whatever the faults that such aerial offensive might mean still you cannot help but be impressed with such an outlay of fire power in such a short period of time!


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