Wednesday, December 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

"In God We Trust... All others we monitor". 

If Israel looks bad the USA looks bad. That is what this is all about?

American governmental decision makers keenly aware that American supplied military ordinance bang-stuff if not used in as judicious a manner as possible within in the Rules of Land Warfare create a situation extremely detrimental to further American involvement in the Gaza War.

Indiscriminate use a fire power is verboten!!

"The U.S. has been gathering information about Israel’s tactics in Gaza since the start of the war and provided those reports to lawmakers."


"While American officials say they are not making judgments in real-time about whether Israel is abiding by the laws of war, the U.S. has gathered intelligence that might allow it to make such assessments."

"The U.S. has collected intelligence and formulated detailed assessments related to both Israel and Hamas military movements and tactics in Gaza since the war began in October, according to two people familiar with the intelligence. That has included data on targeting by both sides, the weapons they appear to be using and the potential number of people killed in their ranks."

In particular, I am thinking about those 155 mm artillery rounds as has been taken from American stockpiled ammunition and diverted to the Israeli war effort. See previous blog entry as applicable.


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