Tuesday, December 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

There is historical precedent for this!

Tunnels of Gaza the Final Solution?

"Israel is preparing to flood Hamas tunnels with SEA WATER to flush out terrorists as high-powered pumps are transported into Gaza...."

From the Daily Mail ^ | 12/5/2023 | article by Perkin Amalauraj. The tip from Freeper.

"The IDF finished building several large seawater pumps around a mile north of the Al-Shati refugee camp in mid-November, the Wall Street Journal reported. The pumps, at least five of which have been built, can each pump thousands of cubic feet of water from the Mediterranean Sea into the tunnels per hour, which would lead to them flooding in a matter of weeks."

Again, this has been done before. The Egyptian their side of the border flooding Hamas tunnels to thwart smuggling! Evidently it worked.

Such is the size of the Hamas tunnel complex under Gaza it will take WEEKS for the entire apparatus to fill with water, become unusable?


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