Tuesday, December 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

Atomic munitions for everyone? The Germans included?

All of a sudden everyone was atomics? All in response to the Ukraine Conflict. That threat from Putin and the Russian now recognized.

"Joschka Fischer: EU should possess nuclear weapons"

From aussiedlerbote,de ^ 12/5/2023. The tip from Freeper.

"The fight against nuclear weapons has a long tradition among the Greens. However, in view of the global situation, party icon Joschka Fischer [Green] is in favor of a nuclear arms build-up in Europe. The former foreign minister justifies his call with Russia and the USA in mind. Former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer has called on Europe to arm itself with its own nuclear weapons."

Joschka old fellow. Please understand for many decades two constituent members of the EU has possessed atomic weapons. England and France part and parcel of NATO and the EU also.

German missile-firing military units during the Cold War having at their readiness American warheads to be fired in case of a Soviet attack on NATO. Authority to use of course reserved to American control!

Nothing new under the sun Joschka. Both nuclear and conventional expensive. More than anything else the European social-welfare state in conflict with Euro power as expressed through the atomic bomb! Guns or butter!


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