Sunday, December 3, 2023

Sar-El GC.

This is coolbert:

Discussion even absurd?

From that prior blog entry, the Sar-El volunteer wearing military uniform but NOT sworn military personnel. If captured by say Hamas, their category under the Geneva Convention would be?

Question asked of an acknowledged authority in such matters and answered:

"As long as they [Sar-El volunteers] are in the uniform of the enemy (Israel), they are recognized armed combatants by international law, particularly the Geneva Convention [GC], to be treated as POWs. If dressed in the opposing nation’s uniforms (disguised as Hamas), they are unauthorized combatants, subject to civil laws re murder, arson, etc., or spies, subject to summary execution. Most countries hold quick military trials, then execute them for murder or espionage, all of which is 'legal' under international codes, treaties, or understandings."

"However, these are ridiculous and wasteful discussions when facing terrorist groups who 1) never signed the GC, 2) who are not recognized as nation states capable of making agreements that subject their entire country to their terms and 3) who are not inclined to observe even the most basic moral guidelines found throughout the world."

To what extent Sar-El volunteers are briefed as to their legal status as combatant or non-combatant while wearing the Israeli military uniform [even if not again sworn military personnel] I cannot say.


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