Monday, December 4, 2023


This is coolbert:

Yet one more regional war? First the Ukraine Conflict. Then the Gaza War. Now the possibility of a Venezuelan invasion of Guyana?

Watch out for this one. Potential for some serious aggravation South America over a border dispute that has been ongoing for over a CENTURY but never resolved!

1. "Brazil mobilizes military amid potential Venezuela-Guyana conflict"

From | Defense Blog Magazine | article by Dylan Malyasov | Nov 30, 2023

"The Brazilian Ministry of Defense has announced the deployment of troops to its northern border as a preemptive 'defensive measure' in response to escalating tensions between Venezuela and Guyana."

"The dispute between the two nations revolves around the territory of Essequibo, encompassing an area of 159,542 square kilometers [about 62,000 square miles]  rich in vital natural resources like oil, gas, mining, hydraulic, and forestry industries, all managed by Guyana."

2. "World Court orders Venezuela to refrain from action in border dispute with Guyana"

By Stephanie van den Berg and Vivian Sequera            December 1, 2023.

"THE HAGUE/CARACAS, Dec 1 (Reuters) - Judges at the World Court on Friday ordered Venezuela to refrain from taking any action that would alter the situation on the ground in a potentially oil-rich territory that is the subject of a border dispute with Guyana, which controls the area"

My friends, devoted readers to the blog, if you take into account the Orinoco Belt, Venezuela within national boundaries as they exist and are currently recognized the greatest and most extensive deposits of oil in the world, almost beyond measure.

"Matthew 24:6-13: NIV - 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."

And thank you Matthew!


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