Thursday, December 7, 2023


This is coolbert:

Spy satellite. North Korea [DPRK] has one, the South [ROK] now has one too! 

"South Korea Launches Its First Spy Satellite After Rival North Korea Does the Same"

"South Korea has launched its first military spy satellite, a little over a week after rival North Korea claimed to put its own spy satellite into orbit for the first time"

By Associated Press | as seen at U.S. News & World Report | Dec. 1, 2023 the tip from Freeper.

"VANDENBERG SPACE FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) — South Korea launched its first military spy satellite into space Friday, a little over a week after North Korea claimed to put its own spy satellite into orbit for the first time as tensions rise between the rivals."

"Launched from California’s Vandenberg Space Force Base using SpaceX’s [Elon Musk] Falcon 9 rocket, it was the first of five spy satellites South Korea plans to send into space by 2025 under a contract with SpaceX."

The ROK sees an independent capability with regard to satellite reconnaissance of North Korea as essential! Independent from American largesse. ROK too very technologically sophisticated I can imagine their "spy" satellites at least equal if not superior to the American version.

Good for the ROK! Consider also this an indication that ROK perceives America as an unreliable or potentially unreliable military partner?


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