Thursday, December 7, 2023


This is coolbert:

“If you compare that ratio to any other conflict in urban terrain between a military and a terrorist organization using civilians as their human shield and embedded in the civilian population, you will find that that ratio is tremendously positive and perhaps unique in the world.” - (IDF) spokesman Lt. Col. (Res.) Jonathan Conricus.

 "CNN Downplays Low Ratio of Palestinian Civilians to Terrorists Killed"

From | the story by JOEL B. POLLAK | 5 Dec 20233.

"CNN continued its biased coverage of the Israeli war against the Palestinian Hamas terrorist group on Tuesday, spinning remarks by an Israeli military spokesman as if he saw the deaths of civilians as a 'positive,' rather than the low ratio of civilian deaths."

"As Breitbart News reported Monday, a leaked report from a off-the-record briefing for foreign journalists suggested that Israel believed that 5,000 of the roughly 15,000 that Hamas reported dead in Gaza were terrorists — a historically low ratio, if true."

This Colonel Jonathan describes low-ratio of civilian deaths as compared to battlefield deaths, the Hamas fighters.

See at the wiki entries "Casualties and losses" for: 2nd Battle of Fallujah, Battle of Mosul and Battle of Raqqa from most recent history. Urban warfare under the most difficult circumstances. Casualties enemy fighters with regard to civilian deaths the exactness always difficult to determine. But better than Gaza?

I like to think CNN [Cable News Network] not trivializing a bad situation. But I think at least to some extent it is so.


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