Tuesday, November 14, 2023


This is coolbert:

“'I write to you with deep concern regarding recent reports about your employees’ alleged involvement in the tragic events in southern Israel, where Hamas-ISIS terrorists carried out a heinous massacre,' . . .  'It has come to our attention that certain individuals within your organization, including photographers and others, had prior knowledge of these horrific actions and may have maintained a troubling connection with the perpretrators.'” - Shlomo Karhi. 

Shlomo speaks and is a man of authority! Hardly is he alone in his concern!

Individuals at certain international news media outlets had prior knowledge and forewarning of events as were going to transpire Oct. 7? Reporters and camera crews in place and having made ready in advance? So is the allegation.

"NYT Denies Viral Claim Journalists Knew About Hamas Attack in Advance"


"Israel’s communication minister demanded media organizations investigate their staff’s 'alleged involvement' in the Oct. 7 rampage."

From https://www.thedailybeast.com | the story by Dan Ladden-Hall and Mark Alfred | Nov. 09, 2023.

"Two international news agencies and The New York Times have denied claims in a viral report alleging that photojournalists may have had prior knowledge of Hamas’ attacks in Israel last month and even possibly 'coordinated' with the militant group in order to document the carnage."


* My intuition tells me these media groups did have advance warning something big was about to occur. They did have foreknowledge. As to knowing the scale of the attack and the damage done to the Israeli citizenry this perhaps was not anticipated.

* The Gaza War will be won or lost via the media. Images of small children all that is left of the consisting of a body from the waist down hardly doing any good for the Israeli cause but much to the advantage of Hamas.


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