Tuesday, November 14, 2023


This is coolbert:

See these two You Tube shorts. Computer generated [CGI] to be sure.

Immediately this short brings to mind the forty mile [sixty-four km.] long stuck and road-bound Russian column the very beginning the Ukraine Conflict. Further advance that column destination Kiev stymied and offering a tempting target for air power. An American B-2 bomber could have accomplished the mission of total annihilation of stranded Russians and done so with relative ease?

Destruction of an enemy airfield by a single pass of three combat warplanes operating in concert, dropping their payload in unison. Watch out below you are toast!

Regarding the feasibility of such an attack yea or nay, consider the comments of an acknowledged aviation authority: 

"Problem with that bomb is the delivery. You have to fly in a straight line, usually at a certain altitude, making you very vulnerable to AAA guns, SAMs, and MANPADs. Almost a guaranteed way to get shot down."

Such tactics without question impossible [?] but only in an 100 % totally permissible environment, enemy forces on the ground impotent and without recourse to defending against such an attack.


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