Monday, November 27, 2023

Frankman USA.

This is coolbert:

"I voluntarily separated from the Army due to lost opportunities and the consequences I faced for refusing the COVID vaccine.

I realized that my religious exemption was most likely going to get denied and that I would risk facing a general discharge for serious offense instead of an honorable discharge. A general discharge, which is what about 80% of those discharged received, means one doesn’t maintain all of their VA benefits, including the GI Bill, to go to school. Furthermore, I left because I lost out on so many career opportunities, and getting my career back on trajectory was impossible." - John Frankman.


"The U.S. Army sent a letter to former service members dismissed for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, stating that they can request corrections to their discharge records. This comes as the military continues to grapple with recruitment challenges, with numbers falling short of expectations."

See within context the previous blog entry, the US Army recruiting dilemma.

Devoted readers to the blog additionally will want to view the entire John Frankman video.


* Officers can resign their commissions. Not so an enlisted man. Enlisted are discharged. Those refusing the VAXX shot receiving a LESS THAN honorable discharge.

* A career Special Forces officer resigning his commission can only be seen as an indication of something very wrong. Those Green Beret troops personnel of the highest possible quality. Losing a team leader such as John Frankman not something to be taken lightly.


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