Sunday, November 26, 2023


This is coolbert:

As extracted from the Internet web site of the esteemed Israeli military historian/theoretician Professor Martin van Creveld with thanks to same.

"Lest the Pattern be Repeated"


"To anyone who has been following the conflict in Gaza so far, the gap between the opposing forces is astonishing. So much so, indeed, that almost the only way to describe it is by using superlatives. On one hand we see what can only be described as a juggernaut. One armed with the most modern, most powerful weapons and weapon systems in the world today; including artillery barrels, armored personnel carriers, and tanks (the latest Israeli tank, known as Merkava IV, is literally the heaviest, best-protected, in the world today); and covered from the air by what is widely believed to be the best air force in the world today. All defended from above by the most advanced anti-missile systems in the world today; all preceded by huge bulldozers fully capable of reducing anything in front of them to rubble; and all linked by inconceivably complicated, if largely hidden, networks of computers and communications produced by one of the digitally most advanced societies in the world today." [all superlatives as from the M. van Creveld article]

Israeli military steamroller terribly arrayed as against an opposition [Hamas] of what is basically light infantry armed in the main WITHOUT any sort of heavy weaponry. Armor/air defense/indirect fire weaponry either totally lacking or having minimal battlefield significance.

YET the Israeli campaign to ERADICATE Hamas militants continues EVEN after weeks of sustained aerial bombardment by the Israeli Air Force. 

Such inequality of resources and assets might ordinarily mean an end to the Gaza War with Israeli victory quick and accomplished in a leisurely manner, a snap-of-a finger type of combat - all done!

"Snap-of-a-finger: Adverb - Very easily, with little effort."


Devoted readers to the blog and those merely perusing in much more casual manner are strongly encouraged without qualification or reservation to read the entire Professor van Creveld article.

Aspects, considerations and considerations of the apparent Israeli inability to instantly eliminate Hamas all discussed in detail with remarkable commentary and clarification. 


1 comment:

  1. The Israeli Air and Space Force is not the best Air Force in the world. Sorry, but no. From what I understand from people who have flown with them in exercises is that they are very good but not up to US, UK, French, or Aussie Air Force level.
