Monday, October 9, 2023


This is coolbert:

The worst nightmare of the Israeli military and society in general becomes reality?

Israeli female military personnel captured and now prisoners of Hamas?

"Pictures of missing female soldiers in Zionist occupation army published"

From | Oct 8, 2023. YPA Yemeni media and press ostensibly strongly influenced by the Iranian.

"OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Oct. 08 (YPA) – The Israeli enemy media published pictures of missing female soldiers from the Israeli occupation army on Saturday."

Grainy images Israeli female soldiers now captive of Hamas? Details hard to discern.

"The pictures show the extent of the losses incurred by the [Israeli] occupation army since the start of 'Al-Aqsa Flood' Operation (#AqsaStorm) at dawn on Saturday."


"Earlier on Saturday, the Hamas Movement announced that it captured dozens of Israeli soldiers and officers during the military operation carried out by members of the resistance in the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip."

Read the ordeal of the Convoy of 35 from the Israeli War of Independence 1948. Israeli female soldiers from that moment forward contrary to popular belief not allowed to participate in combat operations.


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