Tuesday, October 10, 2023


This is coolbert:

International broadcast Israeli Mossad!

The Israeli war with Hamas enters a news phase? A widening conflict with an overseas dimension!

"UPDATED 6:23 PM EDT -- Things are going very, VERY, wrong; Netanyahu Tells Israelis to 'Leave Egypt'"

From https://halturnerradioshow.com | 08 OCTOBER 2023.

The veracity of this message to World Jewry the veracity of which cannot be confirmed or denied. Various Jewish communities being specifically warned of possible disturbance directed against them and take proper precautions. Does sound ominous. 

Things in the Hamas-Israel fight are going very much wrong for Israel.  This afternoon, The US ordered the USS Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier Strike Group to move into the eastern Mediterranean Sea to be closer to Israel. This signals ALL the players that the US is moving-in to get involved militarily.  The Players are NOT backing away.


"Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office calls on Israelis to leave Egypt 'as soon as possible.'  This is a HUGE . . . no . . . . GIGANTIC . . . flashing RED sign."

"Egypt was the first Arab nation to make peace with Israel, and depending upon what course Israel pursues in Gaza (i.e. possible Ground Invasion) that peace with Egypt may now be in very real jeopardy"

American military contingent [naval] the Mediterranean I presume on alert in case of an expansive conflict with the Iranian proxies such as Hezbollah becoming participants.


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