Thursday, October 26, 2023


This is coolbert:

"'It's more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. And with each passing day, we're getting closer to setting the world on fire,' . . . 'nobody's taking their foot off the accelerator' . . . 'just sort of stunning.'" - Larry Johnson. 

The Gaza Crisis more dangerous that the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962? I am sure this is debatable!

"Palestinian-Israeli Conflict ‘More Dangerous Than Cuban Missile Crisis’ – Ex-CIA Analyst"

Polarization in the world order combined with the perception by the Israeli of an existential threat!

From | Russian controlled [?] media.

"The latest escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict may further deteriorate if Iran decides to get involved and if the US continues to view Russia and China as enemies, Larry Johnson, an author and ex-Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst, told Sputnik."

"The situation surrounding a new escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict shows no sign of getting resolved, with Tel Aviv already into the third week of its bombardment of the Gaza Strip, currently under a full blockade."

"These developments are unfolding as the US signals its full-fledged support for Israel, while Arab nations and Iran have indicated their intent to lend a helping hand to the Palestinians."

The Executive branch USA has formed an EXCOMM to monitor the Gaza situation and make further decisions regarding same? The circumstances of a very fluidic and chaotic crisis mandate that this be so. EXCOMM or analogous does exist, up and running?

Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 the ONLY instance where American military forces placed at a readiness level DEFCON 2. And in that instance the increased readiness status ONLY applied to the Strategic Air Command, nuclear-equipped units.


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