Thursday, October 26, 2023


This is coolbert:

Cost inflation during wartime monumental. Demand far exceeding manufacturing capacity!

"155 mm shells price is growing – $8.6 million for 1,000 units"

From |  the article by Boyko Nikolov | Oct 25, 2023.

"The head of the NATO military committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, announced the current prices of conventional artillery 155-mm ammunition, which can really just shock. Because according to him, now their price is €8 million euros for one piece [a thousand rounds] of ammunition."

One thousand artillery rounds 155 mm the cost €8 million euros or $8.6 million USD! Whoa boy!

"This 'price' is much higher than the current estimates, which were formed based on the Rheinmetall contract for last year, according to which one 155-mm projectile costs €3.3 thousand euros."

See links here and here further discussion of that same inflated cost a single 155 mm artillery round!

"The reasons for such a gallop in the price from €2 thousand euros at the level of 2021 to four times are quite clear: the need for a huge amount of artillery ammunition against the background of their relatively small current production. That is a deficit."

Increased production a long way off. A huge investment in fabrication facilities and assembly line production first must be made. Time plus money needed and fast!

As usual refer to the wiki entry "The Shell Crisis" of 1915. How some things never change!


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