Tuesday, October 17, 2023


This is coolbert:

Three ship posture the Irish navy! Mission fisheries protection! 

"Only two Irish Naval vessels operational"

From https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk | By George Allison | October 15, 2023.

"Only two of the eight vessels in the Irish Naval Service are currently available for offshore patrols, raising concerns about Ireland’s maritime security."

"A third ship is on standby. Cathal Berry, an independent TD (MP) and former Irish Army Ranger, was quoted as saying, 'there are ‘huge implications’ for Ireland’s security', and mentioned that the present scenario was 'completely abnormal and would not be normal in any other EU country'."

"The Defense Forces attribute the lack of available ships to the ongoing loss of experienced personnel and difficulties in recruiting new staff."

Obviously so this Cathal Berry is not aware the militaries of other EU nations and NATO their naval forces the fighting component just with regard to naval warfare also absent or severely impaired.

See previously a blog entry the entire German submarine fleet out-of-action at one moment entirely so:


See also within the NATO context Canadian submarine force either inoperable or not deployable:



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