Friday, September 1, 2023


This is coolbert:

So the Russian army is using penal battalions the Ukraine Conflict! To be differentiated from the paroled convicts as recruited by the Wagner PMC.

Russian army personnel found guilt of often trifling offenses sent to assault units. Used for attacking purposes often under rather hopeless conditions. Ten assaults you survive and your guilty record expunged. Relative fewer ever able to endure and make it through the ordeal.

"Russia dismisses Storm-Z unit: Convicts turned out to be inefficient – Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine's Defence Ministry"

From Ukrainian Internet outlet

"Storm-Z . . . is a series of penal military units established by Russia in April 2023."

"The existence of the Storm-Z units was first uncovered on April 6, when Ukrainian forces captured documents detailing their penal recruitment and formations."


"Storm-Z fighters have said that their units suffer from incompetent leadership, lack of supplies, and faulty equipment. Three Storm-Z POWs told CNN of routinely malfunctioning artillery, inaccurate rocket barrages, and commanders under the influence of painkillers giving 'nonsensical orders'. They also said that obtaining food and water required hiking 5 km (3 mi) through a minefield. The units also suffer from low morale and when given the chance they surrender to Ukrainian forces in high numbers"

I'm looking right at you comrade. Have you fulfilled your quota for the day?


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