Thursday, August 31, 2023


This is coolbert:

Rheinmetall stock value going to take a big hit? Poor performance [?] of the Leopard tank the Ukraine Conflict to blame?

"Aging Leopard Tanks 'Not Prepared' for Combat in Ukraine Hurt Rheinmetall's Reputation"

From Russian controlled media outlet

"A former US Army commander told Sputnik that the lackluster performance of the Leopard tanks in Ukraine was hurting maker Rheinmetall, as the Western media has built the aging weapons up as the latest 'wunderwaffe' or 'wonder weapon' that would turn the tide against Russia."

"According to US media reports based on Ukrainian data, Ukraine has received 71 of the Leopard 2 main battle tanks promised to it, five of which have been destroyed outright and at least another 10 have suffered sufficient damage to send them back to repair stations in Poland and Germany."


"It’s unclear how many Leopard 2s have taken part in the counteroffensive operation that began in June, but according to Earl Rasmussen, an international consultant and retired US Army lieutenant colonel, they have 'absolutely not' been the game-changers they were imagined to be."

Devoted readers to the blog will want to read the entire article. Especially paying close attention to the comments of Colonel Rasmussen. Most informative.


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