Sunday, September 10, 2023


This is coolbert:

Not a death card. Think rather a WANTED card. See my previous blog entry the death card within context of the Ukraine Conflict.

"Card decks: 'Covered card of Ruscism' and 'War Criminals' projects by InformNapalm"

From | 05/16/2022 | | Crimea | Donbas | News | Russian-Ukrainian war.

"Since ancient times, games have been a way of quick learning and memorizing information. Through games children start exploring this world and acquiring basic skills from the very birth. Game is a powerful instrument of learning and exploration."

"Exactly 20 years ago, in 2002, the US Army Central Command released a wanted list of former Iraqi leaders and war criminals in the form of decks of cards. Playing these cards, soldiers memorized the targets they needed to capture and bring to justice or liquidate."

"Following this interesting military tradition, the volunteers of InformNapalm international intelligence community created two card decks: the first one with mostly military targets is for military use only, and the second one with Russian politicians and propagandists as characters is for civilians. The second deck is more public and has rather [a] psychological effect"

See additionally from the wiki the definition and further elaboration of the word Ruscism.

"Ruscism, also known as Rashism,[a] Russism,[b] or Russian fascism,[c]"


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