Monday, September 11, 2023


This is coolbert:


Typical alarmist headlines and story from the Internet web site of the provocateur Hal Turner.

"FLASH: Five Russian "Doomsday Planes" in the air 0300 Russia time- Shut Off Transponders mid-flight" | HAL TURNER |10 SEPTEMBER 2023.

"Five Russian 'Doomsday' aircraft are in the air over Russia or have landed after shutting off transponders near the Ural Mountains, including Aircraft PA-96024, ID  RSD309, which is the Presidential plane."

HEADED EASTWARD! President Putin on his way to a nuclear-safe bunker?

"While no one can be sure who - if anyone - is actually on these government evacuation aircraft which took off out of Moscow, and having shut their transponders off, we cannot know the exact landing site, it is very disconcerting to see this type of military aircraft activity inside Russia at this ungodly hour."

The Soviet era defector Suvorov stated that he BELIEVED the main command post of the Soviet military and shelter for the communist high-echelon personnel in a time a nuclear war would have been located in Zhiguli. This Mezhgorye about three-hundred miles [500 kilometers] EAST of Zhiguli.

Devoted readers to the blog will remember from a prior post an event as observed evidently by Russian intelligence just before the election of 2016 causing a degree of concern in Moscow. 

AF-1, AF-2, SAM's flights and the American "Doomsday" plane all in the air simultaneously.

At the time [2016] cause for concern but undue cause for concern. The same here?


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