Saturday, July 1, 2023

Bridgehead II.

This is coolbert:

Ukrainian have forced a crossing of the Dneiper vicinity Kherson. The Russian responds as expected!

"Terrifyingly powerful Russian attack: Iskander ballistic missile blows up the Ukrainian bridgehead in Kherson – A thermobaric barrage follows!"

"The banks of the Dnieper are on fire"

From https://warnews247 | 30/06/2023 - 

"Terrifyingly powerful Russian attack: Iskander ballistic missile blows up the Ukrainian bridgehead in Kherson – A thermobaric barrage follows!"

"The situation in Kherson is extremely serious as the Ukrainian forces late last night managed to transfer reinforcements and armored vehicles to the left bank of the Dnieper."

Left bank & right bank = "The descriptive terms left bank and right bank refer to the perspective of an observer looking downstream."

"This is an unprecedented and unusual move that shows the criticality of the situation. Immediately afterwards the Russian artillery fired another barrage of thermobaric rockets from TOS-1."

See wiki entry the Russian thermobaric weapon system TOS-1.    

"Russian forces are making every effort to destroy the bridgehead before the Ukrainians can further reinforce their forces."


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