Saturday, July 1, 2023

Bridgehead I.

This is coolbert:

Unexpected? Ukrainian bridgehead Kherson. To the left bank of the Dneiper.

One-hundred floating bridges against the Russian.

"The situation in Kherson is critical: the Ukrainians have secured the bridgehead – They are building 100 floating bridges for the 93rd M/N Brigade [93rd Separate Mechanized Assault Brigade] & mercenary forces!"

Ukrainian military have crossed the Dneiper near Kherson. Russian unable to stop. 

 From warnews247 | 29/06/2023 - 

"The Ukrainians moved electronic warfare systems and S-300 arrays to the right bank of the Dnieper and Nikolaev effectively protecting their bridgehead. According to some information this has already been strengthened."

"Reliable Russian sources speak of the transfer of strong Ukrainian forces opposite the bridgehead. These are foreign mercenaries of the International Legion of Territorial Defense and the 93rd M/K."

Personally I did not think the Ukrainian was capable of such an operation. The Dneiper is a broad river on the scale of the Rhine in Germany or the Mississippi the USA. Crossing of an expanse of this sort fraught with danger even for the most well equipped and trained military.

Fully expect the 'Russian to make a frenzied effort to defeat the bridgehead.


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