Wednesday, April 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

Herewith a follow-up to a blog entry from not so long ago.

From such statistics we can make a more judicious and accurate  [?] estimate of the Russian army killed-in-action the Ukraine Conflict.

"The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) is reporting as of 16 December that they had 4,133 soldiers killed and 17,379 wounded (4.20-to-1 wounded-to-killed ratio). This includes the 13 killed and 50 wounded reported from 01.01.22 to 02.25.22. For the period of 16 – 22 December (overlapping dates on 16 December) they report 43 killed, but do not report the wounded. Through the 16th, this is 108% casualties out of an estimated initial force of 20,000. Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) is reported as of 5 April to have had 500-600 killed out of an estimated force of 14,000. This is 21% casualties, assuming a 4-to-1 killed ratio." [wounded to killed ratio]

Population the DPR I had previously reported as about 2 million persons. A figure of 800,000 much more accurate. That 800,000 residing ONLY in the area as controlled by Russian or Russian-aligned military forces.

By general rule-of-thumb based on WW1 calculations the DPR should be able to form and sustain a militia force of less than divisional size. [a Red Army army division usually numbered about 10,000 troops]

Consider that many of those wounded patched up and returned to the combat zone and further peril. [Using American criteria a soldier sustaining wounds on five separate occasions becoming exempt from additional combat duty.]

Given that 4:1 wound to death ratio of the DPR militia and accepting that figure of 200,000 Russian casualties during the conflict to date, we can very roughly but with a certain degree of accuracy estimate the number of Russian army killed-in-action [KIA] to date to be 40,000?

It all does sound reasonable to me!


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